fredag 22. mai 2009

blogg 101: no more Helsinki

been feel(ing)good in Helsinki for sometime. now i`m feel(ing)good in Oslo.
but new web project will surface soon`ish... thanks for watching/reading and
have a super duper summer. go outside and enjoy!

high`n low fives all around....

tirsdag 5. mai 2009

my 100th post had to be...

Papergirl #3 from Papergirl on Vimeo.

about something 100% feelgood.....this initiative definetly fits into that category.

"The PaperGirl Project"

(nicked from woostercollective and the permalink there)


lørdag 2. mai 2009

kick push kick push....and coast

through nightime sessions. when there are emty roads and...

...these sessions produce some really funny footage.

got to love a good night time cruise.

onsdag 29. april 2009


today started with sun, then short rain showers...ended with amasing sunshine. feel(ing)good.

go skate...

and enjoi life.

mandag 27. april 2009

(video)food for thought...

"Radical Jester" trailer. (nicked from Public Ad Campain) entire movie can be seen here. 

søndag 26. april 2009

lørdag 25. april 2009

a sunny day in helsinki with...

police tail`ing old people...slowly

old kinds of people joined in one frame

but most deck, from my favourite skate shop in helsinki...Ponke`s.

then? new sessions of course.

not me on the board but Uula had skills...never seen anyone skate in shoes like that. but...he did it. impressed.

just used this day skating...good fun in great weather. yup.

fredag 24. april 2009


not that kind of bang...(found close to pasila trainstation)

this kind of bang...think this board is retired. so of i go to support my local dealer and get me a new board. 

at the same time finding this...i want a tshirt with my name on it with crazy creative crayon quality!